Individuals with disabilities – true heroes

We all have a personal hero concept. Some might say their hero is a loving parent, a close friend, a teacher, or even a public figure. Anyone who made a positive impact on us, qualifies.

For us at Triest Press, however, true heroes are people like Spencer West, whose disability didn’t stop him from accomplishing many remarkable things, like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro – on his hands, for instance! Yes, you read that right. Verily, Spencer climbed one of the tallest mountains in the world on his hands. Not only that, but his incredible feat also helped raise more than £300,000 for a charity. Amazing, isn’t it?

Even though he lost both his legs at a very young age (when he was only five years old), he never gave up. Instead, today he is a world-renowned speaker and a disability advocate, who continued to raise awareness on disability even during the time of the pandemic – through social media.

His story undoubtedly teaches us that, as Brian Tracy said, there are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking. And that’s why here at Triest Press, we say ”no“ to prejudice and choose to believe that everyone holds the right to be an active member of society and fully develop their abilities. 

We are not all talk and no action, either. Every person is more than welcome at our company, either as a client or an employee, no matter how diverse their background might be (truth be told, we love diversity).

Businesses must recognise the need for making the workplace more inclusive for individuals with disabilities, and they shouldn’t be afraid of doing so. Rest assured, having an individual with a disability as an employee won’t bring difficulties to the business. On the contrary – being recognised in the community as an inclusive company brings many benefits to the business, and being reputed as a company that cares about inclusion is just one of them.

Besides, by holding on to your idea of a perfect employee, you are most probably excluding people with various potentials. Getting rid of the bias attracts open-minded people who will contribute to a wonderful energy within your team. This kind of attitude helps increase the creativity rate in the company, since employees feel valued and don’t hold back from sharing their ideas and solutions to challenges a business might be facing.

In addition, inclusion uplifts team morale and encourages employees’ loyalty. Leaving the company does not cross their mind, because they feel like a part of a family. 

So, if being highly respected in the community isn’t enough to motivate businesses to be more inclusive, then an opportunity to set and maintain great work ethics in the company surely has to be.

For whatever reason businesses choose to be more socially responsible, we respect them. At the end of the day, all that matters is that we, as a society, do everything we can to make the world a better place. 

And for starters – you’ve guessed it – promoting an inclusive mindset in our community is just the way to make it happen.


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